We introduced Mr. B to books at a very young age (the day my pregnancy app told me he could hear my voice, I started reading him the Little Prince).

Overall Mr. B is incredibly smart and prefers books and toys far above his age level. Sometimes it's exhausting keeping up with him. If we are not constantly finding ways to challenge and stimulate his mind he becomes very difficult.
Mr. B LOVES everything Star Wars. He has watched Episode IV more times then I can count and is intimately familiar with the plot and characters.
Mr. B is currently (aged 2 years and 8 months) very interested in learning to read and we are working on recognizing letter sounds. One of his favorite activities is trying to figure out the first letter of words. Mr. B also loves science, counting and learning Chinese.
Baby Girl (Baby G)

Baby G shocked me with her passion for books. Her reaction to being read to was far more intense then Mr. B's. When she was a newborn, the only way I could get her to stop crying was to recite Goodnight Moon from memory and she refused to go to sleep unless I read Is Your Mama A Llama every night.
She may be trouble...
Mr. Husband

Me (or I)
And then there's me. Some of my most vivid childhood memories are from being read to by my mother. My mom read to me deep into the night from a very young age. To say that I love books is an understatement.
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