Thursday, August 16, 2018

My Book Tour and Quick Book Declutter

Here is a quick tour of my amazing books that bring me so much joy! It is so hard to get rid of these guys. Here is where I am currently at with my book collection and organization. I am going to do a quick declutter in this video because I just picked up some new books last week and am starting to run out of room again.

Shared Boy And Girl Bedroom Tour: Striving For Minimalism!

Here is a tour of my kids' shared bedroom. Over the last year we minimized their closets substantially so that we only kept their favorite and most worn clothing. We have also minimized their huge horde of stuffed animals and have narrowed down their books. This is such a cozy place where we love to cuddle up and read!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Downstairs Play Area, Games and Art Supplies Tour

Here is a tour of our awesome playhouse, built by my husband and his best friend, our art center and the games and toys that our kids play with downstairs. This is our downstairs hang out area were we create, learn and build!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Minimalist Playroom and Kids Library Tour

Here is a tour of our kids' playroom. We have come a long way over the last year from toy hordes to striving for toy minimalism. We are constantly purging toys that we no longer love and our playroom has become a peaceful haven for fun and creative play. Every toy has a place and this room is super easy to clean and organize. This is my favorite room in the house!

Monday, August 13, 2018

First Grade Back to School Shopping Haul From Target!

Niko is going back to school! Here is what we picked up from Target this week using his new school's list and some extra fun supplies! We love back to school shopping!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Minimalist home-school resources tour and organization. First grade and preschool.

I am back! My kids are 5.5 and 3.5 and I going to start blogging again about our amazing supplemental home-school journey. My kids have completely different interests and learn in very different way. The only thing they have in common is that they love to learn. Since life is so hectic, I am going to switch over to my YouTube videos.