Sunday, September 27, 2015

Our Awesome Chinese Lesson!

Yesterday we had an amazing Chinese lesson. Other than listening to Chinese music in the car Mr. B has not requested a Chinese lesson for quite some time. I can't make this kid do anything that he doesn't want to so I either have to present lessons that appeal to him or he has to request them. Lately I've been focused on putting together lessons for other subjects so foreign languages aren't very organized.

We have been listening to Little Dragon Tales in the car during the last few weeks (a gift from Mr. B's auntie) and are learning several of the songs. Specifically, we are focusing on the first three songs: (1) Making Friends (Zhǎo péngyǒu) (2) Where is Spring? (Chūntiān zài nǎlǐ) and (3) Clay Doll (Ní wáwá). Here is an awesome preview
After breakfast I found the lyrics insert from this CD and we sang the three songs together. Afterwards we spent about half an hour reviewing the vocabulary from these songs. I thought that we were done for the day but Mr. B had other plans. 

After lunch Mr. B requested that we study more Chinese from Usborne's First hundred words in Chinese. We spent about 45 minutes completely engaged in reviewing this book until we came across the section where one of the children was having a birthday party. So we decided to sing happy birthday to the baby! We looked up "Happy Birthday in Chinese" on YouTube and found this instructional video
This was probably one of our most productive lessons ever. I don't remember Mr. B ever staying so focused and engaged on anything! I'm so proud of him. It's hard teaching him a language that I'm not fluent in but I'm glad that he loves it and pushes me to teach it to him. 


    Contains resources, all of which are aimed at families with parents who don't speak Chinese.

  2. Thank you for letting me know! Can't wait to check it out!
