Wednesday, September 2, 2015

This Month We LOVE: Space Station Mars

Mr. B has been really excited about space recently so I added Space Station Mars by Daniel San Souci to our bedtime reading list. This book was an instant hit with Mr. B and he asks for it at every reading time!

The story (which is one in a series of TV Tie-In Books) is about a group of boys who find a meteor. They call on Neil the scientist (an older boy visiting his grandparents for the summer) to assist them in analyzing this meteor. 

Mr. B thought this book was hilarious. He also loved Neil's Jr. Chemistry Kit. Mr. B recently received his own non-working microscope (which he sleeps with) so he was extremely excited to see Neil using his microscope and other chemistry tools. 

The book is semi informative (in its explanation of meteors) but it's mostly silly fun. The pictures are very detailed so Mr. B enjoyed discussing them. 

Mr. Husband and I also enjoy this book and love reading it with Mr. B. 

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