Friday, August 7, 2015

Fun with Math and Presidents!

This week in part-time homeschooling we focused on math and presidents!

For our first activity we used our new toy money kit to count along with Penny in A Dollar for Penny by Julie Class. This was a fun activity and was a great review of the presidents for Mr. B. In fact, Mr. B surprised me by knowing more presidents then I've introduced him to (I guess Mr. Husband has been tutoring him on the side).

I cut a slit in an empty macadamia nut can for Mr. B to store his new money in. The money makes a satisfying "clink" when dropped in, just like Penny's money does in the book.

We are also in the middle of potty training with Mr. B. This week I found some tiny Star Wars stickers and started a sticker chart. I didn't intend to make this a math exercise but Mr. B became so obsessed with earning his stickers and getting prizes that he spent most of the day checking his total and asking me how many more he needed.

Finally, for our last activity I combined our Target Dollar Spot president flashcards and President Toob with the toy money to make a matching game. Mr. B really enjoyed this game. We took turns picking out a president Toob bust out of the money can, finding a flash card with that president's portrait and then checking the bills and coins for that president's picture. We ended up packing everything up and taking the game out to dinner with us!

We also scored Abe Lincoln's Hat by Martha Brenner and Donald Cook at a free book give away tonight! I've been looking everywhere for this one!

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