Sunday, August 30, 2015

One of Our Favorite Toys: Learning Resources Pretend & Play Doctor Set

Mr. B received this amazing Doctor Set for his second birthday from his friend from school. We initially asked for this set because we were dreading Mr. B's two year doctor's visit (shots!!!) and wanted to prepare him as much as possible. At two Mr. B was finally aware enough that we worried that he would hold anything scary or painful against us. 

This kit is amazing. We practiced giving Mr. B a shot (explaining that it would hurt), kissed his arm and then put the toy band-aid over it (we then had him give us shots). We also introduced him to other other instruments that the doctor might use during the appointment (specifically the stethoscope, the blood pressure cuff, the thermometer and the tongue depressor). 

We played with this kit every day until his appointment and Mr. B was very excited for his check up. When we met with the doctor we found out that Mr. B would not receive any shots but instead would need to have his blood drawn! This was definitely not something we prepared him for. 

Shockingly, while he was having his blood drawn Mr. B was delighted. He watched the entire procedure in awe and yelled "that's so cool!" as his blood traveled though the tube. When he was done he looked up at us and exclaimed "that was fun!" 

So Mr. B has been obsessed with being a doctor ever since (but he also wants to be an astronaut and Darth Vader). He insists on coming to all our appointments (once he cried when the doctor's office was closed and Mr. Husband needed to pick up a prescription) and loves learning about the human body. 

He still keeps the kit in his room (under the reading chair) and plays with it every day. He has since amassed a collection of stethoscopes (one real thanks to Dr. Auntie) that he also keeps in the kit. 

Overall we highly recommend this Doctor's Set! 

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